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Don Hicks

THE TALENT - analogue at birth, digital by design...

Don knows lighting! With 15 years of experience with fortune 500 companies such as Regis and Target Corporations, he has honed in on his skills.  Most importantly – he listens to you, our customers. With his attention to detail and personal skills, you will want him on your team bringing your products to life.

Peggy Hicks

THE RAIN MAKER - currently starring in her own reality show "sip or shop"...

Peggy’s passion is to share her husband’s talent with the world! Her role of business manager, sales and marketing for Hicks Photography is backed by her years of experience serving the photography & print world including 13 years of sales and management at Cable Imaging Solutions - not to mention her years in the marketing industry executing million dollar transactions with VP’s and top executives across the country.  A colorful experience indeed...

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